Melancthon wind facility

Drove by this windmill farm yesterday.  Super cool.  133 wind turbines have the capacity to produce 545,000 megawatt hours each year.   See YouTube video below.

But local residents complain the turbines are affecting their health – incessant noise.  I’m curious to learn more.


This landed in my mailbox yesterday

Canada’s example to the world.  Absolutely.

There is still some work to be done, however.  For example, Canada’s Supreme Court decided in 2010 that suspects do not have a right to legal counsel while they are being interrogated.

I think this is why no one has ever proposed a Law & Order: Canada spinoff.



From today’s Washington Post:

Justice officials reminded the FBI of the department’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation. And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election,” said one Justice Department official …


And yesterday’s:

James Comey is damaging our democracy


Gilmore Girls: Countdown is on

The Gilmore Girls 4-part Netflix miniseries is available November 25th!  (Birthday present for me.)  I’m having a girls’ night that weekend, where we are going to eat junk food (a la Lorelei and Rory – but with alcohol, not coffee) and binge watch.

Have you seen the trailer?

I was surprised at my reaction to the trailer.  Now that I’m addicted to This is Us, I’m kinda pissed that Jess is hanging out with Rory (what would Mandy Moore say?).  And my reaction when Logan appeared was way too positive (because he was basically a thoughtless spoiled rich dick) – probably because I loved Matt Czuchry so much as Cary Agos on The Good Wife.

And now I see that New York Times Watching is freaked out by the trailer!  Margaret Lyons is anxious it’s going to suck – too bright, jokes already dated.  Definitely not, Margaret.

Although it is weird that Kirk is at the Gilmore Friday night dinner table.

Stop and smell the flowers

Or, more accurately, pause and take a picture of the flowers as I rush to work in the morning.  I’m starting to seriously look into the science of gratitude.  We all need to take a breath and appreciate the beauty of everyday life.  That sounds very Ferris Bueller.

Speaking of movies … I have to agree with Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) in You’ve Got Mail — daisies are the friendliest flower!
